A downloadable game


Demo video on Bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1U34y187kU


(I plan to release the video on YouTube after the English version is adapted)






无论如何,感谢您游玩我的游戏!Have Fun!

A 2D platform jumping game, including some action elements and decryption elements

Demo includes three large maps, 9 scenes, four different types of enemies, two bosses and one elite. Correspondingly, you can also use various strategies to attack. Players have two attack methods and some skills to assist themselves.

Since this is my first relatively large demo, and I basically made it myself (some materials come from itch and UnityAsset), there may be some bugs, please forgive me!If there is an emergency, just press the R key to reset the game!

If you have any suggestions, you can contact me via my email (retenq@outlook.com)

In addition, the game and demo videos only contain Chinese, I will add the English version later, but I am preparing for the midterm exam now, so....

Anyway, thanks for playing my game! Have Fun!


BetaFinal.zip 59 MB

Install instructions

下载然后解压,运行".exe"文件即可。Download and unzip, and run the ".exe" file.

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